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May 12, 2016

Are you curious how The Advanced Selling Podcast came into existence?

In today's episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale get personal.  They share how they began their careers in sales and how the podcast got its start.  

Whether you’re a longtime listener or new to the Advanced Selling Podcast,...

Jun 23, 2014

Bill is flying solo is this week's episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast. The topic this week is The Future of Sales. This was the title of a speech that Bill gave as part of a fundraiser to help benefit The Shepherd's Center of Hamilton County. He highlights three of his favorite points of the speech. These are all...

May 19, 2014

On the podcast this week, Bill and Bryan address a call-in that they recieved regarding control. Everyone who has every sold anything in any industry has felt at one point or another that they are not in control. What have you done in that situation, what steps did you take to try and regain some ground? The truth is...

Jan 6, 2014

In the first episode of The Avanced Selling Podcast of 2014, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale discuss their predictions for the upcoming year. They predict trends they believe we will see in Marketing, Sales, the Stock Market, and even some personal Advanced Selling Podcast predictions. Be sure to tune in, these...

Apr 1, 2013

In this episode,  Thomas Gobeaux a listener from France, who is an online marketing consultant, came to us with a question that was very specific to his industry:

"I love doing complimentary bonuses when selling someone else's product. I'm selling a language product online now, but can't think of a bonus that would:

  • be...