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Jan 25, 2021

If you have not joined a LinkedIn group, go to so that you can be a part of our Q&A series this year.

This weeks episode deals with an audio company looking to get into the podcast and editing business. We give them some ideas on how they can promote their business.


Jan 18, 2021

In this episode Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address seven things that are probably on most sellers minds that they would like to tell their leaders. 

Chances are If we don’t have time in the office to connect with someone face-to-face it becomes harder to do virtually. We suggest you send this on to your sales manager...

Jan 11, 2021

This episode was done for both sales leaders/managers and sales professionals. The topic is how do you size up your own skills or the skills of a potential candidate to determine whether they will be successful or not in your company.

If you’re a sales person who has a sales manager who might benefit from listening...

Jan 4, 2021

Bill and Bryan have grown weary of the last few years telling you to come up with your New Year’s business resolutions. So this year, they are doing it for you!

They guys give you six resolutions they think it will change your business life in 2021.


Do you have a question you...