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Dec 19, 2022

As we connect with new prospects or work on new deals, have you ever asked yourself, "how ready am I to meet with them?"

As a sales professional, one important thing to do is assess your comfort level when meeting with decision-makers at different levels.

In this episode, Bill and Bryan will help you mentally prepare...

Dec 12, 2022

In this episode, the guys discuss a diagram that Bill recently created. He argues that everyone falls into one of three categories.

Where do you fall in this diagram? Is fear holding you back from reaching the next rung? 

Listen now to find out how you can take the leap and overcome your fear!

Do you want to get our...

Dec 5, 2022

In this episode, Bill and Bryan take a listener question from the LinkedIn Group. 

The question is on selling to millennial b2b buyers and how they handle the buying process differently than generations before.

The guys give some personal experience they've had with millenial buyers. They also give some tips on how to...